SOAP 1.1 Service Providers for 'Web Harvester' WS Client
(both 'internal' an 'external')

Agriculture General Census service provider WSDL file

supported operations:

getCropList: accepts a municipality name and returns a string array of all crops grown there

getCultureList: accepts a municipality name and returns a composite type of all crops grown there with unit of measure

getMunicipalityList: requires no parameter, returns all municipalities in Regione Lombardia as string array

getDistinctCropList: accepts an array of municipalities and returns an array of all distinct crops grown across all passed municipalities

Crop Yield service provider WSDL file

supported operations:

getYield : accepts crop name and returns a compositetype with crop yield and measure unit

Calculator service provider WSDL file

supported operations:

getDistance : accepts a composite made by two pairs of lat/lon coordinate paris (as doubles); returns the distance in km between the two points